Conserving Hong Kong's wild species through Veterinary Research
In 2018 and 2019, The Hong Kong Wildlife Health Foundation held an International conference in Hong Kong: The "Wildlife and Exotic Veterinary Conference". The role of this conference is to highlight the role Wildlife Veterinary Science plays in endangered species conservation and in conservation of biodiversity and foster interdisciplinary projects. which was well received within the scientific community, with attendance from local vets in private practice, University academics, local non-profit organisations and representatives from government departments.
The keynote speaker in 2018 was Dr Andrew Routh, BVSc CertZooMed FRCVS, Head of Veterinary Services, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, Jersey. He shared with us his experience with Southeast Asia’s Vultures, and gave the conference attendees insights about why Emerging Infectious Diseases are a concern for clinicians and conservationists.
In 2019, we were very fortunate to have as Keynote speaker Professor Anna Meredith, OBE MA VetMB PhD CertLAS DZooMed DipECZM FRCVS, Head of Melbourne Veterinary School, Australia, and former head veterinary surgeon for the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland's Edinburgh Zoo. She told the audience about the importance of Wildlife Surveillance.
Both events were well received within the scientific community, with attendance from local vets in private practice, University academics, local non-profit organisations and representatives from government departments.
Unfortunately in 2020 and 2021 the conference was cancelled but we hope to be back next year!
Get in touch if you would like to be informed about our upcoming events.
UFAW 2018 Welfare without borders conference, 25-26 October 2018, Hong Kong: A meeting to bridge cultural gaps to advance animal welfare worldwide. This conference was organised by City University, Hong Kong, and is supported by the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW)
We participated in this event which examined animal welfare in different regions of the world, with different cultural perspectives, and we are particularly interested in the role the environment, people, domestic animals and wild species play in issues which involve animal welfare.